Monday, September 19, 2011

And the Rain Begins

With the rainy, gloomy weather comes a sassy, pent up three-year-old. We haven't done a whole lot in the last few days - we've probably watched more movies in two days than we have in the last two weeks. I don't mean to be one of those people that grumble as soon as the rain hits, but having a very active three-year-old boy who doesn't do well staying inside all day makes for some very interesting attitudes and tempers. We've been rather lethargic and uninspired and like a whirlpool it's hard to push out of it. We have gotten out to do a few things: I rode Riley and I to the soda fountain in downtown Milwaukie on Friday (here we are with our helmets and matching Adidas).
We had dinner with my Uncle Dana and Aunt Debbie Saturday night in Canby and we went for a nice walk on Sunday, the warm sun finally breaking through the clouds. For all that Portland has to offer, it is difficult for me to find indoor activities for Riley when it's raining. I suppose it wouldn't matter all that much if i did, though, as Riley just loves to be outside. He's our little nature boy. This is one of the main reasons we are moving to Hawaii. Even if it rains in Hawaii it is usually sporadic and it's still warm. (P.S. Blogger is not creating new paragraphs in my posts for some reason. During my long absence, blogger made some changes and I can't figure out why it's not creating new paragraphs, so my apologies for the continuous text.)

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