Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Aerial Tram

Today we took Riley for a ride on the Portland Aerial Tram up to OHSU.
We didn't know what to do once we got to the top so we went to the cafeteria to get a treat but ended up eating dinner. At the table Riley made a comment about poop and followed it by saying, "poop is appropriate in the hospital". I think he said that because I tell him that talking about poop at the dinner table is inappropriate but for some reason he thought it was okay to talk about it because we were in a hospital. He followed it up by saying, "If people have diarrhea they come to the hospital" and a somewhat lenghty conversation ensued about how and why people come to the hospital with different poop issues. Not the most enticing dinner conversation, but amusing nonetheless.
Yep, Riley thought the tramp (as he kept calling it) was pretty cool.

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