Monday, September 19, 2011

And the Rain Begins

With the rainy, gloomy weather comes a sassy, pent up three-year-old. We haven't done a whole lot in the last few days - we've probably watched more movies in two days than we have in the last two weeks. I don't mean to be one of those people that grumble as soon as the rain hits, but having a very active three-year-old boy who doesn't do well staying inside all day makes for some very interesting attitudes and tempers. We've been rather lethargic and uninspired and like a whirlpool it's hard to push out of it. We have gotten out to do a few things: I rode Riley and I to the soda fountain in downtown Milwaukie on Friday (here we are with our helmets and matching Adidas).
We had dinner with my Uncle Dana and Aunt Debbie Saturday night in Canby and we went for a nice walk on Sunday, the warm sun finally breaking through the clouds. For all that Portland has to offer, it is difficult for me to find indoor activities for Riley when it's raining. I suppose it wouldn't matter all that much if i did, though, as Riley just loves to be outside. He's our little nature boy. This is one of the main reasons we are moving to Hawaii. Even if it rains in Hawaii it is usually sporadic and it's still warm. (P.S. Blogger is not creating new paragraphs in my posts for some reason. During my long absence, blogger made some changes and I can't figure out why it's not creating new paragraphs, so my apologies for the continuous text.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Aerial Tram

Today we took Riley for a ride on the Portland Aerial Tram up to OHSU.
We didn't know what to do once we got to the top so we went to the cafeteria to get a treat but ended up eating dinner. At the table Riley made a comment about poop and followed it by saying, "poop is appropriate in the hospital". I think he said that because I tell him that talking about poop at the dinner table is inappropriate but for some reason he thought it was okay to talk about it because we were in a hospital. He followed it up by saying, "If people have diarrhea they come to the hospital" and a somewhat lenghty conversation ensued about how and why people come to the hospital with different poop issues. Not the most enticing dinner conversation, but amusing nonetheless.
Yep, Riley thought the tramp (as he kept calling it) was pretty cool.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day of Preschool

Riley went to his first day of preschool at the Sellwood Community Center today. He was so excited all morning long - a far cry from several months ago when he refused to go to school because I wouldn't be with him. A very sweet sentiment, but I was very happy that he wanted to go to school today and was happy to go.
Of course, as soon as he walked in the door he totally forgot about me. Actually, his first comment was: "Mom, there's train tracks!" but after that he was in to the various art projects.
My mom and I walked to a Thai restuarant and ate lunch, then got a coffee and picked him up. They were on the playground and he was running around with a beautiful little girl named Sydney. He seemed over the moon. We picked up his backpack in his cubby hole and there was a small piece of paper with a few of scratches of ink on it. I asked him what it was and he said it was a note and that it said: "Don't touch my stuff". I had to laugh. He also painted a star - his first preschool art project!
I am a very proud mama. It was hard to not be there with him today. Since his birth I have been there for every major milestone - and every small one. I wanted to see how he reacted to the teacher and how he related to other children. But I know that his mom not being there with him in school is integral to his development. And I am looking forward to the time that he's in school to do things for myself.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Big Bike!

Today was a big day for Riley in that he rode his big bike to the small park by our house. He and my mom walk to the park - and on down to Elk Rock Island - nearly every day. The last couple of weeks he has walked so he could carry his fishing pole and tackle box. Before that, though, he would always ride his tricycle. On the way to the park there are several hills and he would bomb down it on his tricycle, totally fearless. For his 3rd birthday this year we got Riley an actual bike with training wheels. It took him awhile to be comfortable with the bike, but now he rides around the driveway like a pro. But today he decided that it was time to take the bike on our walk. It was a big deal for him and we had to document it.
He took the big hill very slowly but I'm sure he'll be zooming down it in no time.
Wahoo, Riley Roo!

A year and four months

Well, my last post was a year and four months ago. My good intentions to chronicle Riley and our wonderful life ended up being just intentions, but I have been struck with inspiration again and I look forward to sharing bits and pieces from life with Riley. I don't even have any viewers of this blog at this point, but when I do I'm sure people will notice the huge time gap, so I wanted to give an explanation of sorts. Love, Aislinn